7 Metaphors of the Holy Scriptures

Pictures are powerful. From still photos to motion pictures, they paint gripping images in our minds. God's word is likened to many things in the Bible. Here are seven loaded metaphors of the Holy Scriptures. Picture #1: Water Husbands love your wives...that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word... Ephesians 5:25-26 In the Bible water for washing represents the word while drinking water represents the Holy Spirit. The word of God is a powerful detergent that removes every stubborn stain of sin from our lives, thus ensuring that we become sparkling clean. When was the last time you refreshed your weary soul by standing under the shower of God's word?

Jump into the Jacuzzi of jets of heavenly water by allowing the word to massage your battered spirit, soul, and body. Don't let a day go by without taking a bath; if you skip your bathing time you'll soon offend many by emitting an unpleasant odour. There is a freshness that only those that bath consistently have. The water of the word plays a vital role in our sanctification process making us more like Jesus in our character, conversation, and conduct.
Picture #2: Lamp Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105 With the bright lamp of God's word in our hands, we don't stumble over things in life. God's precepts are a reliable guide in the maze of life. As long as we hold fast to the lamp, confusion will be dispelled from our lives. It's interesting to note that a lamp doesn't show you too far ahead; you always have to carry it with you in order to benefit from its illumination.

Since light travels in a straight line a word-filled life ensures that we live straight lives (as opposed to crooked lives) not straying from the narrow path of the kingdom. With our lives crammed full of the light of the word we are the most switched on people on the planet.
Picture #3: Fire Is not my word like as a fire says the Lord? Jeremiah 23:29a Fire had five main purposes in the ancient world. It was used to cook food, provide warmth, scare off wild animals, for smelting in tool making, and as a purifier in mining. When we come to the Lord we are raw and have to allow the heat of the word to cook us and make us edible to the hungry world. The word also warms up our lives making people love to be around us. As part of the melting process the word softens our hearts thus allowing the Holy Spirit to shape us into the image of Christ.

Wild animals or demons are scared of fire; so the bigger the fire the more secure we become. Finally the word as fire turns up the heat in our lives and removes all the dross leaving us as pure gold. Allow the fire of the word to complete its cleansing work in your life. Don't move an inch, no matter how intense the heat gets if you want to reap the five-fold benefits of the word as fire.
Picture #4: Hammer Is not my word like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces? Jeremiah 23:29b A hammer is a power tool used for driving nails, hitting hard materials and breaking tough substances. God's word breaks our hard or callous hearts, giving us a soft heart of flesh that God can easily touch and shape. A heart that has been hammered by the word is moved by the needs of the community. It also breaks our rigid attitudes, prejudices and stereotypes leaving us with the all-embracing mind of Christ.

The hammer gives the enemy a severe pounding tearing him to pieces; no wonder he fears the twelve pound hammer of the word. Jesus hammered the devil into submission with the word when he tempted Him three times in the wilderness. Use the hammer for heavy duty tasks in your life.
Picture #5: Food Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart. Jeremiah 15:16a Just as natural food sustains us, so does the word which is our spiritual food. Without it we live weak and ineffective lives. Once we stop eating the word we die spiritually.

Under the broad category of foods the word is also likened to honey (Psalm 119v103), meat (Hebrews 5v12-14) and milk (1 Peter 2v2) showing us that it offers all the variety of nutrients needed for us to live healthy lives. Word-eaters are balanced people not given to extremes.
Isn't it amazing that one of the last things people on death row are allowed to do is to have a sumptuous meal of their choice? Why? There is nothing that releases joy and happiness like a good plate of food- the idea is to allow the person to experience joy one last time. People's faces light up and they chat nonstop when they are having food at home or at their favourite restaurant. If natural food does all this, how much more spiritual food? Take sumptuous bites of heavenly food and enjoy at your leisure.
Picture #6: Sword And take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Ephesians 6:17b A sword is a lethal weapon that pierces through the enemy's defence lines. The word is the sword of the spirit world. The sword was the Roman soldier's primary weapon without which he could not dare step into the battlefield. A soldier without a sword was a toothless and useless civilian. A modern day equivalent would be to have a soldier face the enemy without a gun-it's unthinkable.

Similarly a believer without the word in his heart cannot hurt the enemy in any way. As a soldier of Jesus Christ wield your sword always thrusting it deep into the enemy's vital organs. It's instructive that a sword is a very personal weapon; no one can carry your sword for you, you have to carry it yourself. No one can take the word and use it on your behalf all the time, you have to bear that responsibility yourself. Strike the enemy with your sword again and again until it cleaves to your hand like Eleazar the son of Dodo; that way you will win many great victories for the Lord. (2 Samuel 23v10)
Picture #7: Seed Now the parable is this; the seed is the word of God. Luke 8:11 Oh the amazing power of a single seed. One seed can produce a forest. A single seed can produce countless edible fruits. One small seed can grow into a big tree. In short a seed speaks of great productivity. God's holy word results in productivity in every area of a believer's life. Note however, that a seed only works its magic when it is sown.

A seed in your lap or pocket won't do you any good until it is sown. Sow the word by applying it in every area of your life. If you do so you will reap a massive harvest that will amaze many. While a natural seed rots, the supernatural seed of the word is incorruptible and will always germinate and produce results no matter how long it stays on the ground. So don't be discouraged if you have been sowing precious seed and it seems as if nothing is happening. Your seed will eventually pierce the ground because supernatural seed never fail. All these amazing pictures can be summed up this way; the word is everything in the life of a serious believer. So whatever you do child of God get into the word, you'll reap the benefits and your progress will be obvious to all. Become a word-addict. If you do, you will become a fascinating movie of God's goodness in the world.
About the Author
Pastor QT is a published author, copywriter and speaker. His sincerity, wit and candid style have endeared him to many hearts. His book DELIVERANCE UNPACKED has been warmly received globally. He conducts spicy marriage and singles seminars with his feisty wife Bonani.
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