The Authority of the Believer

As believers in Jesus Christ, it's important that we receive a revelation of the authority we have been given in His Name. According to the Word of God in Ephesians chapter 1, all things have been placed under the authority of Jesus Christ and He rules over "every rule, authority, power, and dominion and every name that is named". In other words, His Name is above all names and everything created is subject to His rule and authority. In the same chapter, we read further that He is the head of the Church - His Body - and in that Body lives the "full measure of Him who makes everything complete, and who fills everything everywhere with Himself" (Amp). If we believe this to be true, then we've also got to believe that this same authority given to the Head has been passed down to His Body! In fact, Jesus Christ Himself authorized the Church to go and "trample upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power that the enemy possesses; and nothing shall in any way harm you" (Lk 10:19, Amp). In other words, He was giving His church His legal right and His delegated authority to rule and represent Him on this earth! This means that in His name we, His Church, can stand against the power of the enemy and he has to leave. He has no authority over us if we resist him in the name of Jesus. However, the key word here is "if". Many times believers are reluctant to use this authority, either because they are not aware they have it or they fail to recognize just who their enemy is and what his strategies are against them. Ephesians chapter 6 tells us that we are not wrestling against "flesh and blood" - in other words, our fight is not against one another. No, our fight is against "powers and principalities, world rulers of darkness and spiritual heads of wickedness". There are spiritual forces at work behind the flesh and blood we see with our own eyes that try to stop the purposes of God from going forth and manifesting on the earth. As we draw near to the end of this age, these same spiritual forces are coming on with a vengeance against the Body of Christ, blinding the eyes of those who are not spiritually alert and watchful - and of those who do not know or are not choosing to walk in their authority! Church of the Living God - if there is ever a time we need to get to know our God and the authority we have in Him, it is now! Now more than ever, the Church has got to understand that "no weapon formed against us shall prosper" and we can take back what the enemy has stolen from our lives, our families, our education systems, and our communities as a whole - ALL in and through the power and authority we have in Jesus' Name! We've got to choose to believe His Word that says as we "submit to God, resist the devil, he will flee" (James 4:7). The enemy of our souls cannot withstand the power of God and the believer that uses his authority against him. In fact, he actually fears it! That is why he would rather we do just the opposite: "resist God" and "submit to him"! Let's not do that, Church! Instead let's choose to submit ourselves under God's rule and authority in our lives, for to have His authority we must first be under His authority. Then we can successfully resist the powers of darkness in our lives and in our communities and begin to step into the Divine ruler ship He intended for His Church to have all along!
Yes - we've already been authorized by the Lord Jesus Christ - Ruler of all creation. Let's now begin to walk in that authority and truly become a "force" the enemy must reckon with.
Do you want to surrender to Jesus and make Him the Lord and Saviour of your life? Then pray the Salvation Prayer and start a New Life in Christ.
Via Faith Writers