How To Unveil Divine Solutions To Challenges

No matter the problem, God always has a solution. Here is how to unveil divine solutions to challenges.
When people go through a challenge, a key problem is that often they do not know what to do. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to problems. For solutions to be effective, they typically have to be customized to the problem.
For instance a person may be going through financial, legal, marital, health, family, or career challenges. The solution to each would be different. It is therefore crucial to get the right solution and directive on what to do in the face of any challenge.
How do you get divine prescriptions which contain the specific solution you require? You ask God through prayers of enquiry. A prayer of enquiry is a prayer for God’s direction. In 2 Samuel 5:17 – 20 we read that when David was attacked, he “inquired of the Lord” and God’s direction resulted in breakthroughs.
How to Pray the Prayers of Enquiry
God said in His Word in Jeremiah 33:3
‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’ (New King James Version)
God is willing and ready to give you answers and reveal mysteries whenever you call Him. When Daniel and his companions faced the threat of death (Daniel 2), they prayed to God to reveal the secret to them. Daniel 2 verse 19 says:
Then the secret was revealed to Daniel in a night vision. So Daniel blessed the God of heaven. (New King James Version)
Here are the steps to follow:
Ask and you will receive. Read Math 7:7 – 11 and Jeremiah 33:3. Ask God to reveal the solution to you.
Worship God. Set aside time and spend it worshiping God. Worship brings about revelations. When you spend time worshiping God, He speaks to you.
Fast and pray, and stay at the feet of Jesus to hear from God. (ie study the Word and be quiet before God). Read More about Prayer and Fasting
When you get the solution, the next step is to obey. Remember in the wedding in Cana of Galilee where Jesus turned water to wine (John 2), Mary the mother of Jesus said “Whatever He says to you, do it.” John 2:5 - New King James Version (NKJV)
The instruction is still relevant today. Whatever God tells you to do, do it! In addition, do it in a timely manner.
In conclusion, if you are facing a situation that is less than ideal, ask God to give you a solution. When He gives you the solution, do it.
Do you want to surrender to Jesus and make Him the Lord and Saviour of your life? Then pray the Salvation Prayer and start a New Life in Christ
God bless you.
About the Author
Edikan Uko is an entrepreneur, and management consultant focusing on strategic management and innovation. She is a media owner and publisher. She is an alumna of University of Strathclyde Business School.
She is also a Bible teacher, speaker, founder of Arise Global Intercessors, and editor of
Twitter: @IAmEdikanUko
Email: edikan@lovefaithandmiracles