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Love, Faith and Miracles
Oct 13, 20233 min read
Unlock Spiritual Advancement and Victory with Our Free Prayer Booklet
Are you on a quest for spiritual and personal growth? Do you wish to overcome the unseen spiritual battles that life throws your way? Are...

Edikan Uko
Mar 14, 20237 min read
Harnessing The Power of Faith To Transform Your Life
Faith is a powerful force that can transform our lives and help us overcome obstacles. It also is a force that can help you gain or...

Tonja Taylor
Apr 6, 20215 min read
7 Keys To Make God Hear and Answer Your Prayers
You can make your prayers achieve results every time. You can take steps to ensure that God always hears your prays, and answers them.

Edikan Uko
Sep 2, 20204 min read
Faith Life Devotional: Create New Headlines
As a born again Christian you have the power to create new headlines. God is the Creator and we are made in His image. We have the power to

Sue Darling
Jul 20, 20203 min read
Getting Into Night Prayer Vigils
I read a prophesy ages ago and Jesus was saying if we knew what was coming in the future we would be down on our knees day and night praying

Edikan Uko
Apr 10, 20192 min read
How To Unveil Divine Solutions To Challenges
No matter the problem, God always has a solution. Here is how to unveil divine solutions to challenges. When people go through a...

Cate Russell-Cole
Sep 13, 20185 min read
The Habits That Built King David's Faith
David was one of the few people in the Old Testament to be filled with the Spirit of the Lord, so we are actually able to be like David, in

Cate Russell-Cole
Aug 31, 20184 min read
The Power of Praying the Psalms
It is a Jewish custom to pray the Psalms in times of trouble. I have heard Rabbis say that they don't quite know why they have so much p

Edikan Uko
Aug 30, 20187 min read
How To Activate an 11th Hour Miracle (Part 2)
The eleventh hour means the latest possible time before it is too late. The eleventh hour miracle is a miracle you get when it looks like ti

Edikan Uko
Aug 22, 20186 min read
How To Pray Using the Lord’s Prayer as a Template
Jesus taught His disciples to pray. The Lord’s prayer has all the elements we would ever need in prayer, and so we can use it as a template
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