About Us

About LoveFaithandMiracles.com
LoveFaithandMiracles.com is a Christian website dedicated to evangelism and discipleship. The site aims to offer biblically-based content that will help people get to know Jesus and have a closer walk with Him.
On LoveFaithandMiracles.com you can access content for all areas of Christian living. God is love, God a good God, and He is a miracle working God. We hope that you experience God and walk in the miraculous every day.
The site is operated by Life In Christ Ministries.
Let Us Pray for You
It is our privilege to pray for you and agree with you for your miracle answer to prayer. Jesus said "...Whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you (John 16:23). If you would like us to pray for you, our team will do so. Nothing is too difficult for God (scripture), He can do all things.
Email your prayer requests to prayer@lovefaithandmiracles.com